Hanh Vu

Hello, I'm Hanh Vu,

a full-stack developer


Screenshot of the Tabekon app showing food selection screen

Octopus Energy Widget

Many people have been burderned with much higher cost of living recently, especially for energy cost. Recently, I became a customer of Octopus Energy and to my surprise, they have an API to display your usage and cost estimate. With their API and Scriptable app on iOS, I build several widgets to display the up-to-date info for the current month. For installation and usage, please checkout the Github repo.

Screenshot of the Tabekon app showing food selection screen


In the current iteration, Tabekon is an app to help user find inspiration on foods to make/order. This is inspired by the choice paralysis I and my friends often face when deciding what to eat. For the next iteration, I'm intending to turn Tabekon into a sharing platform so users can share what they ate, where did they eat it or how did they make it. I'm currently still working on this iteration so please be patient!

Screenshot of WatchReader app showing search result for Harry Potter


WatchReader is a book tracking app for watchOS. I'm avid reader and I like to track which book(s) and the progress. There are several options on the market with the most notable being GoodReads. GoodReads has a wealth of data and a well designed UI but GoodReads doesn't have a watchOS app. I like reading before sleep and I usually wear my Apple Watch for sleep tracking so I find it very natural to track the progress directly on my watch. Therefore, I made this app to help keep track of my progress more easily.

Screenshot of Tomokuru app on the home screen


TomoKuru is an online platform that integrates a user-oriented mobile app and a vendor-orientated web site. The purpose of TomoKuru is to give individual users a new way to meet people with similar hobbies and interests, browse events that are going on in the city, and search for different types of venues where they may host or attend social gatherings. Vendors also have a new way to manage multiple venues to offer various packages that appear on the users venue screen.



Hello again! You alrealy now my name and you can address me as Hanh. I have always been interested in tech, especially how people make the cool tools and apps I use everyday.

However, I wasn't interested in programming or think that it would be something I can do. Nevertheless, life has other plan for me. My passion for programming started out as writing simple automation scripts in Excel and blossomed into enrolling at my current bootcamp.

I love learning about new technologies and putting it into practice with my experiments. Below are some of the technologies I'm familiar with but I'm always ready to learn and grow.

Languages, frameworks and tools




React/React Native

Tailwind CSS










  1. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

    Bachelor of Art in Business Adminstration

  2. Code Chrysalis

    Full-stack Software Engineer


  1. Wancher Inc

    Senior Customer Relations/Fulfillment Specialist

  2. FPT Software Japan

    Software Engineer